Internet - a great invention of our time. Like almost everything in our lives, the Internet can carry and use, and harm. They say there is a lot of anecdotal information.Internet - a boundless expanse of information and communication, which is easily lost. Often, I read something useful and interesting and somehow unnoticed was on unfamiliar advertising site where the last half hour reading the gossip like, "scientists have found something in the depths of the earth" ... or hours to rewrite the social networks with friends rather than to meet and go for a walk.Internet is very useful, because it is a huge database and knowledge where you can find any thing you want - from movies and music, which you are interested, a huge number of books, newspapers and magazines, to simple recipes. It helps in learning. There are some very useful sites, such as where to find information in an understandable form all - events, people, things, events.
1. Part of the collective farm's cropping and stock-breeding produce is sold (present simple passive) to the state. 2. Part of the gross product of the farm goes (present simple) to the production funds. 3. Many farmers were (past simple) faced with the prospect of earning less and less income. 4. Calf prices are (present simple) generally low from the end of September until March. 1. Часть урожая и продукции животноводства продается колхозами государству. 2. Часть от общего объёма продукции хозяйства идет на формирование производственных фондов. 3. Многие фермеры столкнулись с перспективой всё большего и большего сокращения доходов. 4. Цены на телят, как правило, снижаются в период с конца сентября до марта. face - непереходный глагол (в страдательном залоге не используется).
Does Max eat pizza for dinner?