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Впр. 12. Передайте речення в Passive Voice. 1. Jane must help her mother in the kitchen.
2. Somebody must send for the doctor.
3. You can buy this book at any book shop.
4. Tom must take his cousin to disco.
5. She can't do this work.
6. The doctor must take the patient to the hospital.
7. I can translate this text in an hour.
8. He must clean the garage.
9. Can you give me this book?
10. She can feed a dog with meat.
11. Fred must forget about it.
12. He must sign the documents.
13. You can show them the letter.
14. They must publish the article in the magazine.
15. Where we can put our bags?​


1. Джейн повинна до своїй матері в


2. Хтось повинен послати за лікарем.

3. Ви можете придбати цю книгу в будь-якій книзі


4. Том повинен взяти кузена на дискотеку. 5. Вона не може виконувати цю роботу.

6. Лікар повинен відвести пацієнта до лікарні


7. Я можу перекласти цей текст за годину.

8. Він повинен прибрати гараж.

9. Чи можете ви дати мені цю книгу? 12. Він повинен підписати документи.

10. Вона може годувати собаку м’ясом.

11. Фред повинен про це забути.

13. Ви можете показати їм лист.

14. Вони повинні опублікувати статтю в журналі.

15. Куди ми можемо покласти наші сумки?



Вот перевод думаю ты ето хотел

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1. She wasn't very rich but she gave money to the beggar.
2. I wish I could speak English __as well as__ you do.
3. __Despite__ her injured foot, she managed to walk to the village.
4. Nobody was listening anymore; nevertheless the recital continued.

2. Use the modal verbs must, can/may, can’t.
   1. Zag can go to the cinema with us. He is not very busy.
   2. "May I get you lemonade?” "That's very nice of you.”
   3. The book is not on the shelf. Jean must be reading it now.
   4. I can't visit you every day.

3. Read the dialogue and mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F).
   A: Hi, Ben! How were your exams?
   B: Nice of you to ask about them. Everything’s all right, thanks.
   A: Is it? You look worried. Is there anything wrong?
   B: No, everything’s all right, but when we were waiting for the results of the exam, we spoke about our future and our career plans. You know, I was the only one who hadn’t decided yet.
   A: Well, let’s try to find out what kind of job could be suitable for you. I’ve got a special test that might give us the answer. All you need to do is to answer some questions. The first one is: "Would you like to work in an office or be out and about during working hours?”
   B: It depends… But no, I think I would rather work inside. It could be difficult to be outside if the weather is bad. But I want to have the opportunity to be out in good weather, too.
   A: Are good working conditions, job satisfaction and stability important to you?
   B: Yes, I want my job to be exciting but not very stressful. Stability is very important to me, too. But I don’t want to work at the weekends or in summer.
   A: And how about job satisfaction? What does that mean to you?
   B: To me, job satisfaction isn’t just a quick promotion or good money. I want to feel useful.
   A: Would you prefer working with machines or with people?
   B: When I was little, I enjoyed taking things apart to see how they worked. But now communicating with people is much more important to me. I want to work with nice and friendly people.
   A: OK. That’s enough. Let’s have a look at the test results. Well, there is a long list of jobs which meet your requirements. And the job of babysitter is at the top of the list.
   B: Babysitter?! I have never thought about babysitting, but I don’t mind working with children. I’m very good at sports and the job of a coach has a lot of advantages. I’ll definitely try to learn more about it.
1. Ben looks worried because he failed his exams. FALSE
2. Ben decided everything about his career when he was little. FALSE
3. Ben doesn’t care about stability in a job. FALSE
4. Ben discovers that a job as a coach might be suitable for him. TRUE

4. Give English equivalent to the following Russian words.
1. хорошо оплачиваемая работа = well-paid job
2. получить хороший опыт = to gain good work experience
3. расширять кругозор = to widen one's outlook
4. держать слово = to have respect for one's promise
5. творческий = creative
6. уверенный = confident
4,7(70 оценок)
Ничего, если проект будет про российский рубль?

Russian Ruble is the official currency of Russian Federation. It is also used as a medium of exchange in many former soviet republics. Russian ruble is one of the world's oldest currencies. It appeared in 15th century during the so-called Silver Bum. At the time, Russian coins were made of silver. Soaring demand for silver across continental Europe resulted in growth of value of Russian silver coin to a point when they were no longer useful for purchases. People started splitting coins in halves. Russian word for "split" or "cut" is rubit'' and the half coins were called rubles. Even though Russian coins no longer come in halves, the name stuck on.

During the czar rule Russian rubles were one of the worlds highly valued currencies as they were backed by serious stockpiles of gold. During the Bolshevik revolution, most of that gold was shipped out of Russia, so the Soviet ruble's did not have much value. It did not matter anyway as the Soviet rules kept fixed rate of ruble. In 1993 Russian government has removed price fixing, but it continues to intervene into currency markets to keep the value of ruble at a lower rate than it actually is to stimulate Russian export producers.

Democratic revolution of 1991 led to abandonment of price fixing. "The shock therapy" resulted in immediate plunge of national currency as former soviet republics continued to print Russian rubles and exchange them for Russian goods creating inflation in Russia and devaluing its currency. Inflation was as high as 1000% per year! By mid 90s Russian authorities announced that they would no longer allow now formally independent countries to print Russian national currency. Russian ruble grew steadily until 1998 when the Asian financial crisis moved on to Russia. Value of ruble dropped four times overnight and has not changed ever since. 

See current exchange rate of Russian currency now. If you need help arranging currency exchange for your trip to Russia we will be glad to assist you. Our representative will come to you hotel in Russia and exchange dollars for rubles at a current market rate.
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