Для того, чтобы составить предложение в Possessive case (Притяжательный падеж), то тогда нам следует к существительному, к которому мы хотим показать отношение чего-либо, подставить -'s. Если существительное множественного числа и имеет окончание -s, то мы просто добавляем апостроф в конце слова.
1. The cards belong to Bill.
Данное предложение переводится как "Карточка принадлежит Биллу". А мы сделаем из него предложение "Это карточка Билла". По такой же схеме будем составлять следующие предложения.
There are Bill's cards.
2. The toys belong to my cousins. - There are my cousins' toys.
3. The pens belong to Jenna. There are Jenna's pens.
4. The crackers belong to Maria. - There are Maria's crackers.
5. The bike belongs to your neighbours. - This is your neighbours' bike.
6. The phone belongs to your sister. - This is your sister's phone.
7. The shirt belongs to her mother. - This is her mother's shirt.
8. The engine belongs to the plane. - This is the plane's engine.
How are you?I am sorry.I did not write to you, because I was busy.I must prepared the report about my city and it was really boring.But it does not matter!Fantastic news!I am going to visit your city!And I would like to ask you some questions.
Firstly, where do you usually do shopping?You know, I like to do shopping!I can say, that it is my hobby!Ha-ha...By the way,what is the best shop with souvenirs?I want to buy a lot of different souvenirs!I promised to buy present for my friends.Last year Ann bought an amazing statuette for me,and I want to pay one in her own coin.
So, I am looking forward to your letter.Thank you very much!
With best wishes, Имя