1 задание (словосочетания)
since 2016, for many years
2 задание (предложения)
1) Last summer my parents and I went to the beach.
2) My mother has taught im school since 1995.
3) I didn't do my homework a long time.
4) Last month, my friends were in America.
5) I was ill two weeks ago.
6) My birthday is on 2nd of March.
7) My dad has gone to the supermarket since two hours.
8) This apartment hasn't opened since 1975.
9) I didn't go to school six days ago.
10) 1/12 of year - a month.
11) I haven't gone to school sinse two years because I have broken my arm!
12) Hey, you didn't called me during three days.
13) I was late for a lesson of 10 minutes.
14) She was famous three hundred years ago.
15) My birthday is on Wednesday.
16) I haven't eaten my favourite food since seven days.
17) I have lunch at three o'clock.
18) I go to school from September to May.
19) On my last birthday my parents presented me a computer and Iphone 6S.
20) My favourite movies from 20th century Fox (Существует такая компания)
21) In 2001 my mum was 25 years (Сколько было твоей маме лет в 2001 году).
Transport belongs to the main pollutants of atmospheric air, reservoirs and soils. Industrial waste is not less dangerous pollutant of environment.
In Ukraine, the main source of waste generation are enterprises of machine-building, fuel and energy, construction, agro-industrial complexes, utilities and others.
All the above factors have a detrimental effect on the environmental situation in Ukraine and cause such negative consequences as the greenhouse effect, acid rain, ozone depletion. In the case of further preservation of this state of affairs, our state risks slipping in terms of environmental danger to human life to the level of African countries.
To prevent this from happening, you need to follow seven rules:
Be energy efficient in everyday life
Choose the most environmentally friendly transport
Refuse disposable bottles and utensils
Economize water
Buy less and don't throw away
Sort garbage and give it for recycling
Abandon plastic bags