He's not sure, but he will ask Hannah if she wants to go.I won't enter the competition unless you promise to help me.When I go on the website, I will check the time of the concert.Unless we start work now, we will not finish before 6 o'clock.
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Velikobritaniya (Soyedinennoye Korolevstvo Velikobritanii i Severnoy Irlandii) - ostrov, na kotorom nakhodyatsya Angliya, Shotlandiya i Uel's, obrazovyvayet, vmeste s mnozhestvom melkikh ostrovov, arkhipelag nepravil'noy formy s ochen' raznoobraznym landshaftom i prirodoy. Stolitsa Velikobritanii - London, yazyk - angliyskiy, religiya - anglikanstvo, metodizm, baptizm, katolitsizm, islam, induizm, naseleniye - 81% anglichane, 10% shotlandtsy, 2% irlandtsy, 2% valliytsy, valyuta - angliyskiy funt sterling. Angliya yavlyayetsya samoy krupnoy iz trekh chastey, vkhodyashchikh v sostav Velikobritanii. Granichashchaya s Shotlandiyey na severe i Uel'som na zapade, a do Frantsii ot Anglii cherez samuyu uzkuyu chast' La-Mansha vsego 29 km.