1. Tim does not his morning exercises every day. Тим не делает каждый день утреннюю зарядку. Does Tim do his morning...? What does Tim do every day? 2.He doesn't always smoke before lunch. Он не всегда курит до обеда. Does he always smoke before lunch? When does he always smoke? 3.Mary’s mother didn't teach her how to cook. Мама Мэри не учила её как готовить. Did Mary's mother teach her how to cook? Whom did Mary's mother how to cook? 4.Yesterday we spent a lot of money. (What?) 5.My sister will not wear her new dress. Моя сестра не будет носить её новое платье. Will your sister wear her new dress? When will your sister wear her new dress? 6.We shall not join them later. Мы не должны присоединиться к ним позже. Shall we join them later? Why shall we join them later?
Oscar Claude Monet. Claude Monet born 14 November 1840 in Paris. When the boy was five years old, the family moved to Normandy, in Le Havre. Father wanted to Claude became a grocer and continued the family business. Youth Monet, as he subsequently noted, in essence, was a youth of a tramp. He spent more time in the water and on the rocks than in the classroom. School he, by nature unruly, always felt like a prison. He had fun painting blue cover notebooks and using them for portraits of their teachers, done in a very irreverent, comical manner, and in this entertainment soon reached perfection. At fifteen, Monet was known all over Le Havre as a caricaturist.