Brown bear is a huge strong beast. He has shaggy brown hair, black eyes and a nose. Powerful paws, long claws. Teeth strong and large. The brown bear feeds on honey, berries and small rodents. The bear is a cunning and cautious animal. His vision is weak, but his sense of smell and hearing are very well developed. They help him in the hunt. Winter bear usually holds in the den. However, if during the summer and autumn he has not accumulated enough fat, then he wanders through the forest in search of food. Such a bear attacks animals and humans. Bear is a beautiful, but dangerous beast.
It's been cold, but today's an exception. (Погода стоит холодная, но сегодня — исключение.) The house is in bad condition. (Дом находится в плохом состоянии.) It usually takes me a couple of days to get into the holiday mood. (Обычно у меня уходит несколько дней, чтобы прийти в праздничное настроение. ) Both events negatively impacted her life. (Оба события негативно повлияли на ее жизнь.) The house was damaged by fire. (Дом пострадал от огня) This soil should yield good crops. (Эта земля должна принести хороший урожай.) They view on average for thirteen hours a week. (Они смотрят телевизор в среднем тринадцать часов в неделю.) All the local forecasters are predicting rain for this afternoon.(Все местные синоптики прогнозируют дождь во второй половине дня.)