-: In the zoo you have to wolk for a long time. Also in the zoo thare a lot of animals which can bite you at any time. And if you want to feed an animal, you should BAY an animals food.
+: You can see a lot of beautiful animals. If you want, you can feed an animal. And finily, you can get a lot of experience!
Как-то так !
Hello, Natasha. We haven't seen each other for ages!
- Yes, dear. Do you hurry? Let's go to the cafe, drink a cup of coffee and talk.
- Oh, no, not today. I'm going to the pool now. Come tomorrow at 3 p.m.
- No, I won't be able to meet you tomorrow. I'll be working on a report in the library. Maybe on Wednesday about 6 p.m?
- I'm sorry, but on Wednesday I will see my mother in (to see in - встречать) at the airport. How about Saturday?
- Awful, on Saturday I'm flying to Moscow for a week.
- Ok, you'll come back, and we'll call each other.
- See you later!
- Bye.
Привет, Наташа. Мы не виделись целую вечность!
- Да, дорогая. Ты спешить? Пойдем в кафе, давай выпьем по чашке кофе и поговорим.
- О, нет, только не сегодня. Я иду в бассейн. Давай завтра в 3 часа.
- Нет, завтра я не могу. Я буду работать над докладом в библиотеке. Может, в среду около 18 часов?
- Очень жаль, но в среду я буду встречать мою маму в аэропорту. Как насчет субботы?
- Ужасно, в субботу я улетаю в Москву на неделю.
- Окей, ты прилетишь из Москвы, и мы созвонимся.
- Увидимся!
- Пока.
+Animals staying in the zoo are under control from extinction.
+While animals are in zoos, scientists can study their habits.
+Animals receive almost everything they need for their existence.
-Lack of freedom
-Animals can stop breeding
-The life span of an animal in a zoo is greatly reduced in comparison with an animal living in nature.
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