Clinic: Hello, Cityview Clinic. Patient: Hello, I'm calling to make an appointment. Clinic: Medical or dental? Patient: Medical, please. Clinic: Can you hold one moment? I will connect you. Clinic: Hello, how can I help you? Patient: I'd like to make an appointment for a check-up. Clinic: Have you been here before? Patient: No, I haven't. Clinic: We have an opening on Friday, October 12th at 3 o'clock. Patient: I'm sorry, I work on Friday's. Do you have any appointments available on Monday or Wednesdays? Clinic: Our first Monday appointment would be October 22nd at 9 in the morning. Could you make that? Patient: Yes, that would be fine. Clinic: What is your name? Patient: Luci Garcia. Clinic: What is your phone number? Patient: 764-2110. Clinic: Is that the 206 area code? Patient: Yes, that's right. Clinic: What is your date of birth? Patient: 10/13/63. Clinic: How will you be paying for this appointment? Do you have health insurance or medical coupons? Patient: No, I don't. Can you tell me what the charge would be for this visit? Clinic: We charge by sliding scale. You will need to bring your last 2 pay-stubs, an ID, and a 10$ deposit. Please come 1/2 hour before the time of your appointment to fill out a medical history. Patient: OK. I will do that. Do your doctors and nurses speak Spanish? Clinic: We do have some doctors and nurses on staff that speak Spanish. Would you prefer that? Patient: Yes, please. Clinic: OK. I've noted that on the schedule. We will see you on Monday, October 22nd at 9 for a physical check-up. Plan on spending about 1 hour at the clinic. Patient: Thank you. Good-bye. Clinic: Good-bye..
Mr. John asked how much this dress costs. She said $ 15. Mr John said it was too expensive. But every night she guerila about this dress. A week later he told my wife that she bought this dress. In the evening, after work, he asked his wife whether she bought that dress. She said no. On the question of Mr. John why, she said that this dress was in the store a week, and no one bought it. If no one needs it, so she does too. 2 the text. And she asked the driver if he sees the guy on the other side of the square. The driver said that sees. And she asked him to bring her to him. The driver laughed and asked if she is afraid to cross the road. She said she invited the guy to lunch at one o'clock. Half now half after 2. But if I arrive by taxi, it would look like I was trying not to be late
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