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Ecology of Orenburg can not be called safe. Many environmental problems associated with the presence in the city of factories, sewage treatment plants and other things. Often air pollution brings storm wind from other regions of Russia. About 900 thousand tons of pollutants are released into the atmosphere annually. Significant impact on the quality of air has a motor vehicle, which has recently become more and more. It accounts for 63% of total emissions, and this figure is increasing every year.
Экологию Оренбурга нельзя назвать благополучной. Многие проблемы окружающей среды связаны с наличием на территории города заводов, очистных сооружений и прочего. Зачастую загрязнения воздуха приносит штормовой ветер с других регионов России. Ежегодно в атмосферу выбрасывается около 900 тысяч тонн загрязняющих веществ. Значительное влияние на качетсво воздуха оказывает автотранспорт, которого в последнее время становится всё больше. На его долю приходится 63% от общего количества выбросов, и этот показатель с каждым годом растёт.
Sorry it took so long to no write,I've been busy with competitions
Today, our school held the school Junior Olympics.It was attended by high school students.Our class is no exception.We participated in football,swimming,basketball,running,long jump,pull-up.Our girls ran the best in school .But the most difficult for us was the swim 100 meters.But we won our rivals.Our class took first place in the relay.We were awarded the Cup and all were given medals.Although we understand that the main thing is not victory,but participation.
And your school has held such an event?
See you soon
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