Первое задание:
3. I was preparing for the lesson;
4. I was sleeping in my cozy bed;
5. I was at my grandfather and grandmother's home;
6. I was at our local theater situated near the forest.
Второе задание:
2. was going to school;
3. were looking out the window;
4. was doing her homework;
5. was watching it.
Третье задание:
1. didn't see, was looking;
2. met, were going, were going, had, were waiting;
3. was cycling, stepped, was going, managed, didn't hit.
Четвёртое задание:
2. were you doing;
3. Did you go;
4. wore;
5. were you driving, happened;
6. took, wasn't looking/didn't look (оба варианта верны, но, мне кажется, первый лучше);
7. didn't know;
8. saw, was trying;
9. was walking, heard, was following, started;
10. wanted.