Work in pairs. Read and give advice. e.g. A:There are a lot of dirty marks on my dress. B: You should have it cleaned. 1 Our house very old. (renovate) 2 My DVD is broken. (repair) 3 My shoes are very dirty.( clean) 4 My hair is very long.(cut)
Меня зовут настя. я люблю встречать новый год. новый год это празник всех людей на планете все нарижают ёлки, вешают игрушки, дарят друг другу радость, любовь и могое другое день рождение это тоже хороший праздник. мне кажется, что день рождение для детей это самый главный праздник на планете. краждый ребёнок его встречает по разному кто то с друзьями кто то с родствениками. например я люблю праздновать свой день рождение и с друьями и с родствениками. hi my name is nastya. i love to celebrate the new year. new year is the feast of all people on the planet all narizhayut tree, hang toys, give each other joy, love and mogoe more birthday is also a very good holiday. it seems to me that the day of the birth of children is the most important holiday on the planet. krazhdy child it meets in different ways someone with
When we talk about world created by humans, we can see the imbalance, lack of harmony. We have created Internet, computer games, we have become technologically advanced but all of this has not made us healthier, live longer, even happier... When we talk about nature, the natural world, we can see how simple it is, there are birth, life and death... Mother Nature has always been great at achieving balance, harmony... In the end, we, humans are children of nature and therefore worlds created by us will be inferior to natural world. Basically, humans are just a part of natural world, and we will be spending quite a long time and a lot of efforts to get a bigger picture...
1. We should renovated our house.
2. My dvd is broken. I should repaired my dvd.
3. My shoes are very dirty. I should cleaned my shoes.
4. My hair is very long. I should cut my hair. cut не меняется, потому что неправильный глагол, три формы cut cut cut