Hip-hip Hooray! It’s My Birthday!
Dear Ben! You’re invited to tumble, jump and play!
Please, come and join us at our Barbeque and Tea party
on the occasion of my BD-Party! It will be fun!
Date: Saturday, June 25th Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm
Where: 48, Summer Avenue. Welcome!
Dress: Wearing casual clothes.
No admittance without smile!
Having a humourous story to tell and
a game to play! Bring your favourite CDs))
I look forward to meeting you. You are my special guest!
P.S. You may bring a girlfriend or a boyfriend.
Please, RSVP to Harry: 513- 55-432 for more details.
From: Harry
Хип-хип-Ура! У меня день рождения!
Дорогой Бен! Вы приглашены веселиться, прыгать и играть!
приходите и присоединяйтесь к нам на шашлыки и чаепитие по случаю моего дня рождения! Будет весело!
Дата: суббота, 25 июня Время: 2:00-4:00 вечера
Место: 48, Летняя Аллея. Добро
Одежда: повседневная.
Возьми с собой улыбку!
А так же юмор и игру, чтобы играть! Приноси свои любимые диски))
Я с нетерпением жду встречи с тобой. Ты мой особый Гость!
P. S. Можно придти с подругой или другом.
позвони: 513 - 55-432 для более подробной информации.
1.The root grows thicker with age and helps support the tree.
2.In trees as large as the coast redwood of California, the water may travel 400 feet from the lowest roots to the highest leaves.
3.This seems against the laws of nature as the most efficient suction pump can raise water to only 33 feet.
4.Bryophytes are very small, even the "giants" of this group rarely grow taller than 15 centimetres.
5.The ferns are better adapted to land than bryophytes.
6.We probably depend much more on the flowering plants than on any other type of plants.
7.In vascular plants the sporophyte is more conspicuous than in bryophytes.
8.A genus is a larger group than a species.
9.Species of one genus are closer related to each other than to other kinds of plants.
10.All plants in the world may be divided into phyla, which are farther divided into smaller groups called classes.
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