Для местоимений I, we, you, they и существительных во множественном числе используется форма have got, а для местоимений he, she, it и существительных в единственном числе – форма has got.
2. Has Sam got
3. has got
4. Has Denis got
5. Have your friends got
6. has got
7. hasn't got У Криса нет машины, но у него есть мотоцикл. отрицание
8. hasn't got Это не её чемодан. У неё нет чемодана. отрицание
9. has got
10. have got
В данном задании если видишь глагол got, значит надо правильно поставить has или have.
1. It is an interesting question. Это интересный фильм.
2. Sha has got an exciting job. У неё захватывающая работа.
3. He is an engineer. Он инженер.
4. It is a difficult task. Это задание сложное.
5. She has got an aunt and an uncle. У неё есть тётя и дядя.
6. He has got a high temperature. У него высокая температура.
7. She is a very good doctor. Она очень хороший доктор.
I have a pretty girlfriend i met her when i went with my relatives to the sea.
At first time i thought she was a woman with a beautiful appearence and face.
But later it turned out (оказалось) her was 14 years old and she has studying yet.
She was funny and cute girl.We more and more began to spend our time with each other.
We became like a friends. We called it "Friends from the sea".
Often time we laughing and talks about our other friends.
But i didnt guess she has a boyfriend.She showed me his account and some photos.He was really handsome guy.She told me their story and its got inspired me.I wish they have everything all right. (как - то так можешь свое добавить)
1. Can you see her?
2. Listen to them.
3. Can you help us?
4. Can you see her?
5. Let's ride it.