I was watching Rain Man on DVD the other day when a part of the dialogue really 2 caught my attention. In fact I 3 was so surprised that I rewound the film to make sure I 4 had heard correctly. In the film, the character Raymond Babbitt, who is autistic, claimed that Qantas was the only airline that 5 never had never had a crash. I 6 went online to check out this fact. Apparently it wasn’t 100% true. At the time of the making of the film, Qantas 7 had had eight crashes but they 8 had all been propeller planes, not jets. I also 9 found out that all airlines (except for Qantas, of course) 10 took this line out of the film when they 11 were showing it on flights at the time. 1 My dad used to be a doctor but he retired. 2 I’m not used to (getting up) early. 3 When I was a teenager, I used to (ride) my bike everywhere. 4 When I first arrived in Brazil I wasn’t used to (kissing) people when I met them. 5 My grandmother used to (tell) us great bedtime stories. 6 He’s a pilot so he’s used to (working) long hours. 7 She used to (be) my friend but we had an argument. 8 After two years in Italy, I’m used to (drinking) strong coffee.
1. Forward (фразовый глагол look forward)
2. Published (смысловая сочетаемость)
3. Occasionally (смысловая сочетаемость)
4. Lonely (alone — одна, lonely — одиноко)
5. Failed (грамматическая сочетаемость ''he tried but he failed)
6. Private (выражение in private, плюс второе предложение дополняет смысл)
7. Fun (have fun — веселиться, плюс второе предложение дополняет смысл)
8. Lied (Глагол lie — врать, lay — класть; смысловая сочетаемость)
9. Invention (смысловая сочетаемость)
10. Fascinating (found smth. adjective/participle)
11. For (фразовый глагол look for)
12. Brought (выражение bring smth to mind — напоминать)
13. Pulling (рush — толкать, pull — тянуть)