2. Have your parents ever visited the North Pole? -- No, my parents have never visited the North Pole.
3. Have you ever spoken to the Queen of England? -- No, I've never spoken to the Queen of England.
4. Has he ever won an Oscar? -- No, he's never won an Oscar.
5. Have you ever ridden an elephant? -- No, I've never ridden an elephant.
6. Has your English teacher ever starred in a film? -- No, my English teacher has never starred in a film.
7. Have you ever sung in a concert? -- No, I've never sung in a concert.
Gymnast Larisa Latynina. She has won 18 Olympic medals. To date, she occupies an honorable second place in the national table of multiple winners of the Olympics.
She was born in 1934 in a simple family. My father died at the front. The mother raised her daughter alone. Larisa's childhood dream was to become a ballerina. Since the fifth grade, she began to attend the school gymnastics section. From this time, her success in sports began.The first gold medal was won at the world Championship in 1954 in Rome, as part of the USSR national team. This was the beginning of her career.