Past simple 1 он сделал это хорошо-he did it very well 2 я спал два часа-i slept for two hours 3 я поехал в италию в прошлом месяце-i went to italy last month 4 мы играли в футбол-we played football 5 ты сделал правильную вещь-you did the right thing 6 мы были на каникулах-we were on holiday 7 она была действительно рассержена-she was really angry 8 мальчики остались дом-the boys stayed at home 9 я пошел в кино вчера вечером- i went to the cinema yesterday evening 10 мы позавтракали час назад-we had breakfast an hour ago present simple do you like rock? тебе нравится рок? does he speak english? он говорит по-? i do not like black coffee. я не люблю черный кофе. she doesn't smoke. она не курит. i do want to help you. я на самом деле хочу тебе . jane does know how to cook. джейн действительно умеет готовить. jim studies french. джим изучает французский. we live in boston. мы живем в бостоне.
Cobras are among the best-known snakes. It's a reptile. It is very dangerous, because it has poison in the teeth. They say, a large king cobra has enough poison in one bite to kill 20 human beings or an elephant. The Cobra is famous for its hood, which is formed when a snake gets angry and is ready to attack. Cobras can be found mainly in Africa and Asia. They typically live in hot, tropical areas.They like to spend time underground, under rocks and in trees. They come in different colours: yellow, brown and black. Cobras eatmice, rats, rabbits, lizards, snakes, eggs and birds, but they can easely live without eating for days or months. Like other snakes, cobras do not hear, they are death, but they cansense the ground vibrations. Cobras lay eggs. They build nests for their eggs and guard them very carefully until babies are born. It's interesting to know that cobras smell their prey using their tongue.