1.Im found of reading
2. I prefer to read adventures and detective stories.
3. Romeo and Juliet , for example
4. Mockingbird , Women in business
5. It's not difficult, but sometimes I need to translate unknown words
6. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
7. Mark Twain and Jack London are my favorite writers
8. Mockingbird
9. No, they don't
10. Yes, I do
11. Only If I exited by this book
12. Mockingbird
13. Egor Gord
14. Lust for lush life, honesty, kindness
15. We can learn some usefull advice from authors and study on other's experience
2. My last visit to the shop
Imagine that last week you were in London and went shopping there. Уяви, що ти був ( була ) у Лондоні минулого тижня і ходив ( ходила ) за покупками там.
Write some sentences about this experience, using the following words. Напиши кілька речень про цю подію, використовуючи наступні слова:
була, рай, бачила, вибір,ціни,продавали, не купила, купила, вдала покупка.
Don't forget to use Past Simple Tense in your story.
Не забудь використовувати минулий час у своїй розповіді.
im ok, thanks. nice to meet you.
Объяснение: извини если не правильно :( удачи