This is a story about little girl Mila, who lived with her granny many years ago. They had a garden with vegetables and fruits, berries, and another things to eat. They hadn't got a fridge, cause it was nearly 100 years ago. But they had a special dark and cold room to save food fresh for a long time. Mila didn't go to this room till she was 10. That is a main idea of the story. One day, granny McDuddle asked:"Mila, please, couldn't you go to cold room to bring me a strawberry jam? I'll cook some pancakes, as you like." Mila loved pancakes. So, she said:"yes, granny" and ran to the room. But only when she came in, she understood how was it frightening, to go deeper into room in darkness. She knew, that there can be bats. She really afraided of bats. But she loved pancakes more, so she continued her journey. And, suddenly, she hard a squeak. "Pee-pee-pee", she heard. "Oh, no! It is bat!",- Mila thought. She went closer to noise and saw a small creature, that couldn't fly. It had broken wing. It was scrawling by round. "Oh my God! It is injured!".-Mila said. She toke small bat with two handkerchiefs not to be bitten by frightened animal. She brought bat to her granny, and then to local vet. Since that moment Mila didn't afraid of bats. "The devil isn't so black, how he is drawn",- said granny McDuddle to Mila.
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