Если до этого человек не упоминался или неизвестен - то c артиклем a (A wandering man crossed the street) Если уже упоминался и речь идет о ком-то конкретном (или уникальном, что существует лишь в одном экземпляре) - то с артиклем the (Jack is a man who lives in the street, wears rags and smells bad - he is a wandering man, speaking shortly. Bob was trying to make laugh of him, but the wandering man repelled so nice and sharp that Bob became a joke himself). Если говорится не о конкретном человеке, а в общем, то без артикля (wandering man is homeless, as a rule).
I have got a friendly family and we all like spending our free time together. In summer, if the weather is good, we usually go on a picnic to the river bank, where we swim, sunbathe and play ball games. In winter, the whole family goes to the rink to skate or we sometimes go skiing in the forest (if there is snow). When the weather is bad, we love to play board games, such as "Scrabble" and "Monopoly". And we all love going to the cinema together and have pizza after watching a film.
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