Make notes under the headings. Use your notes to Narnia to the class. Make notes under the headings. Use your notes to me What is Narnia? Talking animals Mythical creatur у меня урок
Стихийные бедствия могут возникать как независимо друг от друга, так и связанно: одно из них может повлечь за собой другое. некоторые из них часто возникают в результате деятельности человека (например, лесные и торфяные , производственные взрывы в горной местности, при строительстве плотин, закладке (разработке) карьеров, что зачастую приводит к оползням, снежным лавинам, обвалам ледников для меня это страшно! независимо от источника возникновения, стихийные бедствия характеризуются значительными масштабами и различной продолжительностью — от нескольких секунд и минут (землетрясения, снежные лавины, лимнологические катастрофы) до нескольких часов (сели), дней (оползни) и месяцев (наводнения).natural disasters can occur independently of each other, and connected: one of them can lead to another. some of them often result from human activities (e.g., forest and peat fires, industrial explosions in the highlands during the construction of dams, tab (development) quarries, which often leads to landslides, snow avalanches, landslides glaciers for me, it is scary! regardless of the source of origin, natural disasters are characterized by high levels and varying duration from several seconds and minutes (earthquakes, avalanches, limnological catastrophe) up to several hours (sat), days (landslides) and months (floods).
1. School begins in Russia on the first of September. 2. Children usually begin school at the age of six or seven. They don`t begin school at the age of five. 3. There are no carpets in the classrooms in Russian schools. There is no carpet on the floor of my classroom either. 4. Children have PE and Nature classes outdoors when the weather is good. 5. I don`t play outdoors before classes. 6. I learn some interesting things in class such as communication with my classmates and getting some knowledge about the whole world.