- Hi! - What a beautiful town is Liepaja! - Yes, it's very interesting and with a lot of sights. Would you like to go to the St. Trinity church? - Of course. I wonder what it is famous for? - Well, there is located the largest mechanical organ in the world. In addition, if you go upstairs you can see panorama of Liepaja. - I heard of a very famous house here. I think it was Czars Peter I house, where he stopped, while he was on a journeys. - Yeah, you're right. It's is very old and thats why it is closed so you can see it only from outside but anyway it is a heritage. - What do you personally like in your town? - Well, since my childhood I love to spend my free time in the park near to the Swan pond with alcove in the middle of the pond. - Cool, I want to see it. It seems the nature there is wonderful. - Then let's go.
1 It became a prison - Он стал тюрьмой. Now it is a museum. - Сейчас это музей. 2 Russian tears were buried in it, Petersburg is one of the world's most beautiful cities. - Русские цари были похоронены там, Петербург один из самых красивых городов мира. 3 Soon after Petersburg appeared, it turned into the main center of Russian science and culture. Вскоре, после того как Петербург появился, он стал основным центром русской науки и культуры. 4 Outstanding scholars like M.V. Lomonosov, D. I. Mendeleyev, L. P . Panlov and many others engaged themselves in activities of the Academy of Sciences and the University. Выдающиеся учёные такие как М В. Ломоносов, Д.И.Менделеев, Л.П.Павлов и многие другие занимались деятельностью в Академии наук и в Университете. (themselves - возвратное местоимение ) 5 A. S. Pushkin, M Y. Lermontov glorified the city in many of their works. А.С.Пушкин, М. Ю. Лермонтов прославляли город во многих своих произведениях. 6 St. Petersburg is famous for its suburbs. Сан - Петербург известен своими пригородами. 7 Anyone who visits St Petersburg will always be tempted to come back. Любой , кто посетит Сан- Петербург, постарается вернуться снова.
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