The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the most well known structures in the world, the iron lattice tower is an icon of France and has been one of the most visited tourist attractions in the country and the world. (Details: Tourist information of the Eiffel Tower.)
Eiffel Tower is named after Gustave Eiffel, who was a local engineer in Paris, it was his company designed and built the tower, and the tower is Gustave Eiffel's most notable work, one of other notable works designed by him is the interior framework of the Statue of Liberty.
Eiffel Tower was built as the centerpiece of and the entrance to the 1889 Exposition of Paris, a World's Fair to celebrate the centennial of the French Revolution.
The tower is located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France.
1. The two countries have overcome many of their ... differences. CULTURal 2. Everyone should have basic ... of first aid procedures. KNOWledge 3. A grant was given for the ... of a new sports facility. CONSTRUCTion 4. We need to find a ... to our economic problems. SOLution 5. It is ... very easy to find a taxi in this city. NORMALly 6. Travelling by train is far more ... than travelling by bus. COMFORTable 7. As an international ..., he gets to travel to many exotic places. JOURNAList 8. Their ... to sell the business after all these years was very difficult. DECIsion 9. Many ... countries now use the Euro as their official currency. EUROPEan 10. Regular exercise and correct diet are essential for a ... lifestyle. HEALTHy
It's the players in one of the toughest sports of dynamic games of the World Football. For them, there is no greater joy in life except with a triumphant roar "Touchdown!" Imprinted the ball into the end zone of the opponent, leaving behind a picturesque composition of sshiblennyh with enemy defenders legs. Victory! But few people know how difficult their way to glory. The hero of this film, the coach Herman Boone From those who know. He came into the school team "Titans" when she does not deserve its name. and outsiders "Titans" are gradually becoming confident formidable players who are ready to fight for the title of champion of the state .
The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the most well known structures in the world, the iron lattice tower is an icon of France and has been one of the most visited tourist attractions in the country and the world. (Details: Tourist information of the Eiffel Tower.)
Eiffel Tower is named after Gustave Eiffel, who was a local engineer in Paris, it was his company designed and built the tower, and the tower is Gustave Eiffel's most notable work, one of other notable works designed by him is the interior framework of the Statue of Liberty.
Eiffel Tower was built as the centerpiece of and the entrance to the 1889 Exposition of Paris, a World's Fair to celebrate the centennial of the French Revolution.
The tower is located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France.