1keep (держать) 2 do (делать) 3 make (делать) 4 take (брать) 5 mop (вытирать) 6 wash (мыть) 7 hang out (вывешивать) 8 dust (вытирать пыль) i always keep my room tidy and make my bed. i often do the washing-up. i don't like doing it. sometimes i take out the rubbish or dust the furniture. i never wash the clothes or hang out the washing. my mother does that. occasionally i help make breakfast. i don't mind helping at home as we all share the chores. (я всегда содержу комнату в порядке и заправляю постель. я часто прибираюсь. мне нравится это делать. иногда я выметаю мусор или пыль из мебели. я никогда не стираю одежду или вывешиваю ее. моя мама это делает. иногда я приготовить завтрак. я не возражаю по дому и разделять обязанности)
The movie "Harry Potter and Sorcerers stone" is the first one in the big cycle of whole story about Harry. He is a very young boy here, 11 years old. This movie opens for us his wonderful world. White and black magic, kind and evil people. Here we can see for the first time his school. I like it so much! I guess creators of the movie got a very big pleasure during the making all this magic. I'd like to know how they did make dresses, things and interiors for the recording film. I know they made a lot of shots with a special green background and later computer specialists did draw beautiful buildings and landscapes. I believe this movie makes us inspirited.