i study at a secondary school. our school is large. it is a three-storeyed building. more than a thousand schoolchildren study here.
on the ground floor there are a lot of classrooms for primary-school pupils, a few workshops, a large gym and a canteen. on the first floor there is a library, a teachers' room , classrooms and laboratory rooms. our labs for physics, chemistry and biology are well equipped. on the second floor there are classrooms for history, geography and english. all our classrooms are light and spacious. there is also a nice assembly hall here where we have all the meetings, concerts and parties.
our teachers are strict but fair and kind.
i like my school.
42. I want to tell you how my dog Milly came to live with us. My mother is a school teacher and she was taking her class to the park. Suddenly one of the boys pointed at the grass at the side of the road and said he had just seen something moving. Mother came closer and saw a small white-and-black dog. She stared at mother with her big black eyes and then barked "bow-wow" trying to threaten mother and the childnren standing around. But for mum it was love at first sight. She took Milly home. She was thin when we got her, but now she loves to eat so much, we sometimes call her Piggy. We never beat Milly (I despise people who beat animals!) and try to be kind to her. She pays us back with her devotion