1 We perceive the world using our five .2 John’s illness took a toll on his immune system.3 Howard Gardner eight multiple intelligences.4 The human brain has to perform a huge variety of functions.5 Stress can sometimes a positive purpose.6 The process of reading ink on a page into words in our head.7 Our bodies different strategies to deal with stress.8 The team rose to the and won the match easily.9 Galileo’s theory had far-reaching for astronomers.10 Frank can’t all the stress in his new job
на это
1. I have been studying English for five years.
2. I have had two mobile phones since I was 12.
3. She has been studying every evening for the exam next week.
4. He have had three different teachers this year.
5. We have taken four exams in last month.
6. I have been reading a lot since September.
Объяснение: Present Perfect Simple используется тогда, когда у нас нет определенного времени, но это когда- то было.
Present Perfect Continuous используется тогда, когда действие длится в течение какого-то времени
ответ: 7. that
4. these