с английским языком Lesson 4 Industry in Uzbekistan
Answer the questions.
1 What are the main kinds of industry in Uzbekistan?
2 What do Uzbek industries produce?
3 What does Uzbekistan import and export?
4 How do Uzbekistan's products rate on the world market?
5 What helps the economic growth of the country?
6 Are there any joint ventures in Uzbekistan? If so, what are their names and what do
they produce?
7 Is Uzbekistan interested in setting up more joint ventures Why/why not?
The Florida puma is in the Red Book as “critically endangered”. In the 1970s there were about 20 Florida pumas in the wild nature. Now their number is about 100 - 160 animals. The Florida pumas live in the forests and swamps of southern Florida in the United States. The Florida pumas are not very big – they weig h 30 kilos (females), 50 - 70 kilos (males). Their total length is about 2 meters, shou lder height is 60 cm . The coat color is reddish. The Florida pumas eat small animals like hares, mice, deer, some birds and birds’ eggs. In the wild nature pumas live about 20 years. The reasons they are dying are: drying swamps, sport hunting, alligators, car accident. PEOPLE MUST HEL P FLORIDA PUMAS TO SURVIVE