M There are 20 nouns connected with medicine in the box below. Use them to complete the sentences - in some cases you will need to make them plural. The first one has been done for you as an example.
accident allergy ambulance biopsy consent course examination excess exercise injection intake overdose paroxysm progress rash recurrence surgery tendency treatment vaccination
1. He developed an allergy to penicillin.
2. He suffered paroxysm of coughing in the night.
3. She went into a coma after an overdose of heroin.
4. The patient will need plastic surgery to remove the scars he received in the accident.
5. She took a course of steroid treatment.
6. He had a recurrence of a fever which he had caught in the tropics.
7. There is a tendency to obesity in her family.
8. From the examination of the X-ray photographs, it seems that the tumour has not spread.
9. The doctor gave him an injection to relieve the pain.
10. He doesn't take enough exercise; that's why he's fat.
11. The injured man was taken away in an ambulance.
12. She was advised to reduce her intake of sugar.
13. The biopsy of the tissue from the growth showed that it was benign.
14. The parents gave their consent for their son's heart to be used in the transplant operation.
15. The doctors seem pleased that she has made such good progress since her operation.
16. This is a new treatment for heart disease,
17. Her body could not cope with an excess of blood sugar.
18. Three people were injured in the accident on the motorway.
19. Vaccination is mainly given against cholera, diphtheria, rabies, smallpox, tuberculosis and typhoid.
20. She had a high temperature and then broke out in a rash.
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что выберет сердце вновь? – только время…
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куда наш день течет? - только время…
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кто знает? –только время…
по сути, о