Exercise 1 Fill in the articles where necessary.
1 Northern Ireland
2 Strait of Dover
3. ... Scotts
4. ... Belfast
5. ... English Channel
6. ... British Isles
7. ... United Kingdom
8. ... Union Jack
9. ... Cardiff
10. ... Scottish
11. ... Irish Sea
12. ... Atlantic Ocean
13. ... Wales
14. ... Ireland
The tram is the most convenient form of transport. The Circle Line 20 is the most popular line for tourists because it is easier to move between attractions without changing lines.
The buses generally start from Centraal Station and serve areas that are the farthest from the city centre.
Tickets can be bought on the trams and buses but the cheapest way to travel is to buy a strippenkaart, a strip of fifteen tickets, sold at tourist offices and newsagent’s.
Amsterdam is a city for bicycles and more and more tourists are adopting this way of exploring the city. Remember always to ride on the right and that trams have priority if only because they are a lot bigger than you!
The best way to see Amsterdam is on foot. Almost everything of interest is within comfortable walking distance. But a word of warning - walking is not as safeas in other cities - watch out for the almost silent trams and stay out of the cycle lanes!
BY CANAL And finally, what could be as enjoyable as a trip on a canal boat? Boat trips are the most suitable for people with limited time to explore the city and for the elderly and families with young children.