Doctor Dolittle likes his numorous pets. His pets are Polynesia, or Polly-the parrot, Cub-Cub -the pig, Dab-Dab -the duck, Jip -the dog, and the owl Too-Too. Also Cro-Cro the crocodile was his friend, Chu-Chu - the monkey, and Whity-the mouse. They are friendly and funny! They are good friends! (They all went to Africa with Doctor Dolittle to save monkeys.)
Доктор Дулитл любит своих питомцев. Его любимцы-Полинезия, или Полли-попугай, поросёнок Каб-каб, утка Даб-даб, собака Джип и сова Ту-ту. Также Крокодил Кро-Кро был его другом, обезьянка Чу-чу, и мышка Уайти. Они дружелюбные и веселые! Они все хорошие друзья! (Они все вместе с доктором отправились в Африку обезьян)
On the last Saturday of July Ann and Tina were taking their dogs for a walk in the park. They walked down Clark Avenue and as they were entering the park a ginger cat ran in front of them. The cat looked very thin and hungry so the girls decided to take the cat home and take care of him. Ann took a picture of the cat and posted it on the neighbourhood social group. An hour later a woman by the name of Mrs.Thompson called at their house and she was very happy that the girls had found her cat.