What he does in bathroom?
In 1937, an archaeological expedition went to Khorezm. The expedition was headed by Professor S. Tolstov, a well-known expert on the history of the peoples of Central Asia. (Soviet literature) 2. Kachalov, an amazing actor, who was mourned by millions of theater fans, died a month before the 50th anniversary of the Art theater. 3. Lake Baikal, the heart of Siberia, as it is called, is remarkable for the rare beauty of the shores and the amazing color of the water. Academician Berg, an outstanding Soviet geographer, calls Baikal a miracle of nature. 4. Beranger, the famous French poet, was born in 1780. As a child, he lived with his grandfather, a poor Parisian tailor. When the revolution began, he was sent to the province to his aunt, the innkeeper.
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doctor: come in, please.
patient: thank you. doctor, i decided to make an appointment because yesterday i had a splitting headache and rash all over my body after taking pills for stomach pain.
doctor: did i write out a prescription for taking the pills?
patient: yes, here it is.
doctor: these pills are very strong. they can trigger such symptoms as dizziness, nausea and even rash. let me check you. i’ll measure your blood pressure but firstly put a thermometer into your armpit.
(after a while)
doctor: your temperature is in the normal range but your blood pressure is very low. did you read the medicine label before taking those pills?
patient: no, i thought your prescription and recommendations were enough to take them correctly.
doctor: what dose did you take at once?
patient: i took two pills.
doctor: so everything should have been all right then. you told me you had no allergies. what’s wrong then?
patient: just a few days ago i was sneezing all day long but i went on taking the pills.
doctor: as far as these pills are concerned, they mustn’t be taken if you have any allergies. so taking them caused terrible side effects.
What does he do in the bathroom?