Demonstrative pronouns are easy to remember because they are often accompanied by a demonstration: when we speak, we use our hands to show them. For the demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, and those, we point with our finger or gesture with our hands in the general direction of the thing we’re talking about. For the demonstrative pronounsnone and neither, we often make a gesture implying rejection or emptiness.This: singular and close to the speakerI’ll have this little chocolate cake.That: singular and relatively far away from the speakerI’ll also have that strawberry cake, the one on the bottom shelf.These: plural and close to the speakerI’ll have three of these walnut biscuits.Those: plural and relatively far away from the speakerAre those butter tarts? I’ll have four of those, please.How many sugar-free, all-natural cookies? None, thanks.
1. If I didn't have a headache, I would do my work faster.
2. If my parents had more free time, we would spend a lot of time together.
3. If I travelled abroad, I would start vlogging.
4. If I were you, I would stop wasting my time on social media.
5. Unless I study harder, I won't pass my exam.
6. My friend agrees to help me when he has time.
7. If we had played better, we would have won.
8. If my parents had enough money, they would buy a new car.
9. Unless we have a ticket, they won't let us get inside.
10. If I get up early, I won't be late for school.