Evgeni Plushenko was born November third, 1982 in city Solar, Khabarovsk territory. Crossing to Volgograd took place in four-year-old age. There Evgenie has started to be engaged in figure skating.To have an opportunity to train, has moved to St-Petersburg. There has continued to perfect skill of figure skating at sports s•After the termination of a comprehensive school has entered the university physical training which has ended in 2005. First greater sports victory Plushenko took place in a season of 1996-1997. Then it became the first in the world championship among юниоров. Already in a following season has taken the third place in the world championship, and also the championship of Russia, the second - in the championship.For the first time in the biography Evgenie Plyushchenko became the world champion in 2001. The figure skater won five times in the championship of the Europe. Possesses set of awards, ranks, premiums.
We all learn in different ways. Some people are visual learners - they prefer reading. Looking at pictures or watching tv. Some people are auditory learners- they prefer listening to teachers, cassettes etc. And some people are kinaesthetic learners- they prefer moving around the room, touching things etc Most people are a combination of all three types of learner. They learn by watching, listening and moving around. But there are some learners who prefer learning in one way only. About 5 % of students in class are probably mainly visual learners, 5 % are mainly auditory and 10 % are mainly kinaesthetic.
Мы все учимся по-разному. Некоторые люди визуалы - они предпочитают чтение, рассматривание фотографий или просмотр телевизора. Некоторые люди аудиалы - они предпочитают слушать преподавателей, кассеты и т. д. И некоторые люди кинестетики - они предпочитают двигаться по комнате, прикасаясь к вещам и т. д... Большинство людей представляют собой сочетание всех трех типов обучения. Они учатся, наблюдая, слушая и перемещаясь. Но есть некоторые учащиеся, которые предпочитают учиться только одним методом. Около 5 % учащихся в классе, наверное, в основном визуалы, 5 %, в основном аудиалы и 10 % - преимущественно кинестетики.
The largest - large
The deepest - deep
The highest - high