Почему я выбрала профессию повара – кондитера? Потому, что считаю ее самой нужной. Все люди должны питаться, чтобы жить. А какой же праздник без вкусных сладостей и кондитерских изысков? Кондитерские изделия любят не только дети, всем людям нравится, если кусочек пирожного тает во рту. Я считаю свою профессию повара – кондитера самой гуманной и главной профессией в мире.про кондитера Why I chose the profession of pastry chef? Because it is necessary. All people must eat to live. And what is a celebration without delicious sweets and confectionery delights? Pastry love not only children, all people like it, if the cake melts in your mouth. I believe his profession of pastry chef of the most humane and the main profession in the world.
Dear George!Today was one of the happiest days of my life. I recently wrote to you about a well-preserved late 19th century bicycle, and now I have it. I want to tell you how it happenedYesterday I went to the flea market, hoping to find a bike, (which) I need. Just imagine, I once saw him. But he is not sold. It belonged to an old man. I started to offer him dengi.Moim final offer was 250 pounds, but the man refused. Of course, I was upset, but what could I podelat..Ya said goodbye and gave him my business card (card)This morning the old man came in my museum and offered to exchange their old kostotryas the modern model. Do you think he chose the bicycle for trips to the store? It's funny, but he said he was at the heart of a mountain bike!And how are you? I hope to receive an answer from you in the near future. With best wishesJohn
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