My favourite video film is “Titanic”. It tells the story of a famous ship, the “Titanic”, which sank in 1912. The “Titanic” was a colossal ship even by modern standards. Its tragic sinking will always be remembered, for the ship went down on the first voyage with heavy losses.
The director of the film is James Cameron. The main parts in the film are played by young actors Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. To my mind their acting is superb. The camerawork is fantastic, too. I’ve heard that they made a full-size model of the “Titanic” for this film.
It’s a very spectacular film. It is also a moving love-story. I advise all my friends to see “Titanic”. The film was awarded 11 Oscars and I’m sure it deserves every one of them.
Мой самый любимый фильм - "Титаник". Он рассказывает историю известного судна "Титаник", которое затонуло в 1912 году. "Титаник" был колоссальным кораблем даже по современным стандартам. Его трагическое крушение всегда будет помниться, поскольку корабль утонул во время своего первого рейса с большими потерями.
Режиссер фильма - Джеймс Кэмерон. Главные роли в фильме играют молодые актеры Леонардо ди Каприо и Кейт Уинслет. На мой взгляд, их актерская игра превосходна. Операторская работа является фантастической, тоже. Я слышал, что они сделали для этого фильма модель "Титаника" в натуральную величину.
Это очень впечатляющий фильм. Кроме того, это трогательная история любви. Я советую всем моим друзьям, посмотреть "Титаник". Фильм был удостоен 11 Оскаров, и я уверен, что он заслуживает каждого из них.
1.Internet and computer growth in Russia has not been the envy European and North American country during the past few years.
Has Internet and computer growth in Russia been the envy European and North American country during the past few years.?
2. Mobile communication companies had not hoped that 3G technology would prove to be a boom.
Had Mobile communication companies hoped that 3G technology would prove to be a boom.?
3. Internet usage has not nearly reached the limit.
Has Internet usage nearly reached the limit.?
4. The largest computer and Internet service providers in Russia will not reach yearly turnover of $ 500 million.
Will The largest computer and Internet service providers in Russia reach yearly turnover of $ 500 million.?
5. Most of the people who need computer dont live in cities of one million or more.
Do Most of the people who need computer live in cities of one million or more.?
6. The government didn’t do launch the Electronic Russia program.
Did The government do launch the Electronic Russia program
7. Different ministries and political organs could not agree on how to implement the program.
.Could Different ministries and political organs agree on how to implement the program.?
8. The government is not developing a new plan.
Is The government developing a new plan?
9. This time a single ministry will not be responsible for “Informatization”.
Will This time a single ministry be responsible for “Informatization”.?
10. In many developing countries the Internet may not provide businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems of these countries.
.May In many developing countries the Internet provide businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems of these countries.?
My favorite movie (series) Riverdale. I started watching it a long time ago. It tells about a city where various strange things happen. Friends who grew up in this city decided to help their hometown. On the way to victory, they struggle with various problems. Adventures, love - all this is embedded in this amazing series. I advise you to look, you will never forget it.