1 Part of the Amazon (A) RAINFOREST is in Mexico. -FALSE
2. Niagara Falls is a A) WATERFALL. Part of it is in Canada. - TRUE
3. Baikal is a B) LAKE in Egypt. - FALSE
4. Part of the Sahara A) DESSERT is in Morocco. -TRUE
5. Syr Darya is a B) RIVER in Kazakhstan. -TRUE
6. Hawaii is a(n) B) ISLAND in Greece. - FALSE
7. Khan Tengri is a A)MOUNTAIN in Kazakhstan.- TRUE
8. The Pacific A)OCEAN is the largest in the wond. - TRUE
Вставить в утверждение пропущенное, и выбрать верно=true или неверное =falsh
The solar system is a planetary system that includes the central star - the Sun - and all natural space objects orbiting the Sun. It was formed by gravitational compression of a gas and dust cloud about 4.57 billion years ago [2].
The solar system is a planetary system that includes the central star - the sun - and all natural space objects orbiting the sun. It was formed by the gravitational compression of a gas and dust cloud about 4.57 billion years ago. Most of it falls on the Sun; the rest is almost entirely contained in eight planets distant from each other, having close to circular orbits, lying almost in the same plane - the plane of the ecliptic. Because of this, a distribution contrary to the expected is observed
1. larger than
2. tall
4.older than
5.more beautiful than
9.the coldest day
10. the happiest