1 The Kremlin standing on the bank of the Moscow River 2 The Bolshiy and Maly theatres,the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts,The Tretyskov Gallery,the Andrew Rublev Museum are the places of interest in Moscow 2 2Москва стала столицей молодой Советской Республики в 1918 году.Сейчас это самый большой политическийёнаучный и культурный центр.Население Москвы приблизительно 10 милионов человек.В Москве больше 80 институтов высшего образования.МГУ-центр нашей образовательной системы 4 Московское Метро удобное и очен. быстрое.Первая линия момковского метрополитена была сконструирована в 1935 году.С того времени Масковец построил много новых линий и терминалов 3 a-The Kremlin standing on the bank of the Moscow River is the oldest part of the city(3 абзац) б- 4(3) 5- 6(1) 7 (3) 8 1 the greatest 2 the most beautiful 3 Older
1) What did Karamzin say? 2) What buildings crested Moscow’s architectural image as a city of white stone? 3) When did a terrible fire rage in the city for several days? 4) A major feature of Moscow’s present development is the establishment of the industries requiring highly-skilled labour, isn't it? 5) Is transport or architecture a serious problem for all large cities of the World? 6) According to what Moscow complex zones are united by a system of general city? 7) What territory will retain its significance as a historical, cultural, educational and administrative public centre?
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