A magazine is a meaning of a diary proper, then a daily newspaper in Russian, so called periodicals that are published at longer intervals than a newspaper.(Что за журнал определение)
Types of magazines produced. By type, magazines are divided into the following groups: literary and artistic-they contain various works of art (prose, poetry), journalistic and critical materials on various topics of public life.(Какой тип, вид журнала определение)
The first issue of which was published in France on January 5, 1665 g.(Когда впервые вышел журнал)
The level of specialization is characterized by the specific weight of the corresponding publications in the total volume of the journal. The tendency to change the ratio of specialization and universalization in special journals is a natural process.(Какая специализация у журнала)
In magazine publications, you can place not only advertising information, but also samples of the proposed product. Issues are printed using the latest technologies, thanks to which you can place advertising inserts, brochures, numerous tabs, layouts, holographs or even sound pages in the magazine. You can even place samples of the advertised shampoo, gel, soap, perfume, and other personal care products. In the magazine, you can print ads on special and special paper, which will stand out from the other pages of the publication in terms of structure.(Что рекламируют в журнале)
From 18 and above.(Для какого возраста этот журнал)
What kind of magazine? What type, kind of magazine? When did you first come out? What is his specialization, the magazine. What is advertised there? For how old is this magazine?