1 We want a(n) country, far away from the fast pace of the city . 2 Madrid has an excellent system that helps people move about very easily. 3 Majorca is a(n) for family holidays. There are great beaches and hotels there and a(n) for children to swim in. 4 Manchester is a(n) in the north of England. There are many factories there.
Hello, everyone. I'm Svetlana Shmal, 36. I'd like to tell you about the town I've been born and I'm still living in. Kislovodsk is a small town in size but a big one in its meaning. It is a health resort, famous with its mineral water called "Narzan" and the biggest park in Russia. Our town is often called "Sunny town" because even in winter time there are a lot of sunny days in Kislovodsk.
Lots of people of different nationalities from all over the world come to our beautiful town to enjoy nature and very clean, useful and fresh air. You can entertain yourselves by visiting our circus, music hall "Philarmonia", cinema theatre. There are many restaurants, cafes, big and small, expensive and not very expensive with traditional cuisine of Caucasus. While walking in the park you can meet squirrels and even feed them right from your palm. And if you visit the Roses' Valley full of different sorts of roses, located in the middle of the park, you'll take unforgettable pictures. And, of course, you can take picture with the symbol of our land - an eagle, a real alive bird. Almost all the Kislovodsk's photographers have them as pets.
If one prefers to get rest with comfort and professional treatment of highly educated specialists, he/she should choose a health center. There are great varietys of them and each one will help you to improve your physical and mental condition. Besides, our town is very beautiful and has a lot of old buildings with long and interesting history. You, certainly, should visit Kislovodsk' museum to know better the history of town of mine. Kislovodsk played important role in the World War the second. It was a medical town. Our doctors and nurses helped the Soviet Army greatly, they returned thousands of soldiers back making them healthy and strong again to defend my country from invaders, to win the war. I love my town very much! I invite you too. Come and see all by yourself. You are WELCOME!
Максим Максимович знакомится с молодым человеком приехавшем отбывать службу на Кавказ,который влюбляется в Горянку и решает всеми силами добиться её.Вскоре Бэла влюбилась в Печорина их счастье длилось несколько месяцев,пока юный офицер вновь не заскучал, ведь он не любил Бэлу , она была неким развлечением для него.Но Печорин не единственный претендент на роль возлюбленного Бэлы.Разбойник-Казбич,который не имел ничего кроме своего любимого украденного коня, которого в последствии украл брат Бэлы по настоянию Григория.Офицер принёс беды в эту семью.Навсегда покинул семью Азамат, отца девушки убил Казбич, а позже и она погибает от его же рук. Я считаю, что Печорин безусловно виноват в смерти Бэлы. Ведь горянка была для него предметом временного обожания, до тех пор пока офицеру не стало скучно.А ведь если бы не он всё могло бы сложиться иначе.Бэла бы вышла замуж за состоятельного горца и прожила бы с ним долгую жизнь. Её отец также был бы жив,а не убит от рук разбойника,Казбич не потерял свою любимую лошади,а Азамат не ушел бы из семьи. Глава “Бэла” ещё раз доказывает нам, что Печорин приносит беды и слёзы людям с которыми он связывается.Читатель ещё несколько раз убедится в этом на примере последующих четырёх глав произведения.
Lots of people of different nationalities from all over the world come to our beautiful town to enjoy nature and very clean, useful and fresh air. You can entertain yourselves by visiting our circus, music hall "Philarmonia", cinema theatre. There are many restaurants, cafes, big and small, expensive and not very expensive with traditional cuisine of Caucasus. While walking in the park you can meet squirrels and even feed them right from your palm. And if you visit the Roses' Valley full of different sorts of roses, located in the middle of the park, you'll take unforgettable pictures. And, of course, you can take picture with the symbol of our land - an eagle, a real alive bird. Almost all the Kislovodsk's photographers have them as pets.
If one prefers to get rest with comfort and professional treatment of highly educated specialists, he/she should choose a health center. There are great varietys of them and each one will help you to improve your physical and mental condition. Besides, our town is very beautiful and has a lot of old buildings with long and interesting history. You, certainly, should visit Kislovodsk' museum to know better the history of town of mine. Kislovodsk played important role in the World War the second. It was a medical town. Our doctors and nurses helped the Soviet Army greatly, they returned thousands of soldiers back making them healthy and strong again to defend my country from invaders, to win the war. I love my town very much! I invite you too. Come and see all by yourself. You are WELCOME!