These spring holidays were full of positive emotions. At first, my parents wanted to travel somewhere hot and to take me with them, but then they changed their mind. My uncle, who lives in (місто), invited us to his place and my parents gladly agreed. To save time, my dad offered to go there by plane. The flight was about four hours. The same day we arrived my uncle showed us around. I should say that the city is rather beautiful. When we came back, my uncle’s wife, aunt Maria, has prepared delicious dinner for us, consisting of rice pilaf. For the dessert we had some sweet pies with tea. Spending time in (місто), I learnt that many prominent people have lived and worked in this city.
Ці весняні канікули були сповнені позитивних емоцій. Спочатку мої батьки хотіли поїхати в теплі краї і взяти мене з собою, але потім передумали. Мій дядько, який живе в (місто), запросив нас до себе, і батьки із задоволенням погодилися.Щоб заощадити час, тато запропонував дістатися туди на літаку. Політ тривав близько чотирьох годин. В той же день, як ми прибули, мій дядько показав нам місцеві пам'ятки. Мушу визнати, що місто досить гарне. Коли ми повернулися, дружина мого дядька, тітка Марія, приготувала для нас смачну вечерю, що складається з рисового плову. На десерт були солодкі пироги з чаєм. Проводячи час в (місто), я дізнався, що багато видатних людей жили і працювали в цьому місті.
1. Computers are sold in many different shops.
2. The house will be bought in two months.
3. English is spoken almost everywhere.
4. Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling.
5. Lots of TV series are watched today.
6. The windows were broken by children yesterday.
7. I am invited to his party very often.
8. The pyramids were built by the pharaohs.
9. French is taught in my school too.
10. The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
11. Rhinos are killed for their horns.
12. His car was stolen last night.
13. The students will be examined next week.
14. These dresses are designed by Gucci.
15. Lots of tea is drunk in China.
16. Easter eggs are decorated with different colours