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В этом задании нам нужно использовать грамматическую конструкцию Present Perfect для утвердительных предложений с правильными глаголами. В Present Perfect используется вспомогательный глагол "have" вместе с третьей формой глагола (также известной как глагол в прошедшем времени).
Давай посмотрим на каждое предложение и заполним пропуски, используя Present Perfect с правильными глаголами:
1. Mr Shaw has painted the kitchen door.
(Mr Shaw покрасил кухонную дверь)
2. The twins have packed their bags.
(Близнецы упаковали свои сумки)
3. Jack has tidied his desk.
(Джек убрал свой письменный стол)
4. The Kapoors have counted the money.
(Капуры подсчитали деньги)
5. Ananda and Sophie have watched a DVD.
(Ананда и Софи посмотрели DVD)
6. The Thompsons have cooked lunch.
(Томпсоны приготовили обед)
7. Prunella has dropped the plates.
(Прунелла уронила тарелки)
Теперь у нас есть все предложения, в которых используется Present Perfect с правильными глаголами. В этой форме глаголов мы видим, что действие произошло в прошлом, но оно влияет на настоящее время или остается в нем.
It sounds like you're having an amazing time in New York City! I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying your stay in Times Square, as it's such a vibrant and exciting area.
Let's go through each sentence together and discuss the verb tenses and meanings in each one.
1) "We (have) a wonderful time here!"
In this sentence, the verb "have" is in the present simple tense. It indicates that you are currently having a wonderful time in New York City.
2) "We (stay) in a hotel in Times Square."
Here, the verb "stay" is in the present simple tense as well. It shows that you are currently staying in a hotel in Times Square.
3) "In the mornings, we usually (eat) breakfast in one of New York's famous delis."
The verb "eat" is also in the present simple tense. It describes your usual routine of having breakfast in one of the famous delis in the mornings.
4) "Then, for the rest of the day, we (explore) the city."
In this sentence, the verb "explore" is in the present simple tense. It tells us about your daily activity of exploring the city for the rest of the day.
5) "My dad (love) history, so most days, he (visit) different museums."
The verb "love" is in the present simple tense, expressing your dad's ongoing love for history. The verb "visit" is also in the present simple tense, indicating that he regularly visits different museums.
6) "Sometimes we join him, but often, my mum and I (go) shopping on Fifth Avenue instead!"
Here, the verb "go" is in the present simple tense, describing your mom and you going shopping on Fifth Avenue.
7) "Right now, (sit) in a café in the Metropolitan Museum of Art while my parents (look) around the museum shop."
The verb "sit" is in the present continuous tense, expressing that you are currently sitting in a café. The verb "look" is also in the present continuous tense, indicating that your parents are currently looking around the museum shop.
8) "Wish you were here!"
This is a wish or desire expressed in the present simple tense, as if you were speaking directly to Katy.
I hope this breakdown helps you understand the verb tenses and meanings in the passage. New York City sounds incredible, and I wish I could visit someday too! Enjoy the rest of your trip and take care.
и что это? Как я должна понять, если ты даже не объяснила, что сделать