ХЭЛП 14. Заполните пропуски глаголами can, may или их эквивалентами:
1. A computer ... train teachers, engineers, businessmen. 2. No man ... do 500,000 sums per second, but a modern computer ... . 3. ... I take your book? Yes, you Here it is. 4. My brother knows programming well. He ... help you. 5. My friend ... take his exam in April. 6. Computers ... process a large volume of data.
15. Заполните пропуски глаголами must, ought(to), should, have(to), be(to).
1. Every teacher ... know his subject very well. 2. He ... use a computer in his classroom to make his work more creative. 3. A teacher ... know the application of computer technology. 4. The method of this experiment isn't correct.We ... repeat the experiment once again. 5. The meeting ... begin at 7 o'clock. 6. I have much work in our Student Science Society. I ... stay at the Institute after classes. 7. We ... take 5 exams this term.
He said that he would return their book the next day.
Rose says that she hated ice cream
Ann said that she liked her job
They said that they had swum in the pool a week before.
Nina says that she wrote the letters.
My father said that he would find his keys.
Phillip said that he must live in that town.
Jack said that she studied English.
He said that he would read that book the hext day.
Fred said that he had found his passport the day befoe.
She said that she was hungry.
My friend said that he lived in Moscow.