Task 2. Read the text. Ilpomme Teker w wannare cona ( 119) указанные в картинках письменно, используя новые слова. Body Parts 2)_ On each side of my head, I have an 3) 4— They let me see you My 235) mwiling My math has two 6)— for kiswing and licking Inside it has to. Y head is on my 7)__ fur chewing and a 8)—for canting my found te keta metall H9)— It leta me look to my 10) and 11)__ and up and स C (12)_ (13)_ eun hug you, and with my two 15)_ and ton 6)_ I can ruutch a ball and write my name' And down {/17). 1919). are dhe me and
All around the world there are many natural habitats that are 1) in danger of disappearing. 2) When a habitat becomes endangered, the plants and animals that make their homes there are also endangered. People destroy wild places everywhere. Why? Simply 3) because there are too many of us! We need room for houses, clean water and large areas for building factories. Sounds selfish, doesn't it? It does, but 4) there are ways you can help. Firstly, find out if there are any organisations in your area that try 5) to protect natural natural habitats and get involved. Or, if you really don't have enough time to join one 6) of these organisations, why not donate some money to help them with 7) their cause? Finally, you could write a letter to your mayor or MP protesting that a natural habitat in 8) your area is endangered and needs protection. You can even start a petition, get all your friends and neighbours to sign it and then give it to your local council. Don't forget - we can all do something to help.
1. we are going to have dinner in a new trendy restaurant. The delicacies there are amazing! 2. by the end of this year, my brother will be working in the gaming industry for 5 years. 3. I'll have fried chicken and raw vegetables. 4. Some scientists believe that they will soon unravel the secret and invent a time machine. 5. Tomorrow at 3 PM they will take part in the famous fast food eating contest. 6. he's flying to Louisiana tomorrow morning. He's going to study steadily the way of life of the marsh people. 7. "we don't have any bananas left. » «Well. I'll go to the store and buy it. 8. The train arrives at 12:30. 9. I meet my friends at a cafe at 6 PM on Friday. 10. She will finish the article about the deadliest place on earth by 5 o'clock.
Просто знай, что есть сайт где можно перевести с картинки.