Past simple
My dog was called Duke, and he was longhaired German shepherd dog. He was the biggest dog in my street and every time the postman or someone passed by he barked his head off and nearly gave them a heart attack. Lost of people were afraid to go into my house because he was aggressive. But he was a lovely dog when you got to know him. He loved playing with balls and with my pet duck George.
Present perfect
My dog has been called Duke, and he has been longhaired German shepherd dog. He has been the biggest dog in my street and every time the postman or someone have passed by he has barked his head off and nearly has given them a heart attack. Lost of people have been afraid to go into my house because he has been aggressive. But he has been a lovely dog when you have got to know him. He has loved playing with balls and with my pet duck George.
a) 1. The farm workers have completed (активный залог, present perfect) the automatic shearing of the sheep. - Рабочие на ферме довели до совершенства автоматическую стрижку овец
2. Scientists are trying (активный залог, present continuous) to improve agricultural machinery. - Учёные пытаются усовершенствовать сельскохозяйственные машины
б) 1. Harvesting was mechanized (пассивный залог, past simple) all round.- Cбор урожая был повсюду механизирован
2. Petrol lubrication is used (пассивный залог, present simple) in small two-stroke engines.- Смазка бензином используется в маленьких двух-тактных двигателях
(Всё, дальше не сделаю, слишком большое задание)