Captain Hook is a formidable and cunning villain. Captain Hook wears a red frock coat, red pants, and black shoes. And on his head is a wide hat. Instead of a right hand, he has an iron hook, which he leads his team. The captain's skin is pale, has thick black hair, curled in curls that fall over his shoulders, and his eyes are blue.
Капитан Крюк - грозный и хитрый злодей. Капитан Крюк носит красный сюртук, красные штаны и чёрные туфли. А на голове его широкая шляпа. Вместо правой руки у него железный крюк, которым он руководит своей командой. Кожа капитана бледная, имеет густые чёрные волосы, завитые в локоны, спадающие на плечи, а глаза его голубого цвета.
1. If you want to be healthier, think carefully about *the food* you eat.
(the food, так как речь идёт о еде которую ты знаешь ).
2. If you don't enjoy exercise do something else.
3. Do you eat enough the fruit and vegetables.
4. Piece of chocolate cake should only be eaten occasionally
5. If you have had a bad day, try and do something nice for yourself.
6. We opened two shops last summer. since then, we had opened two more.
7. It is getting colder in the room because the window is open
8. Bob Dylan become one the most famous singer of all times
9. You leave the hall immediately
10.Well, i love traveling since , i had been a student back in 1980s , and i had wanted to work with people.