The Tower of London is an ancient stone fortress in central London.
It stands on the bank of the River Thames.
The fortress was built by William the Conqueror, King William I.
They started to build it in 1078 and then the Tower was expanded during the thirteenth century.
At first the Tower was a fortress, then it was a prison and a place of execution.
Today the Crown Jewels are kept there.
The Crown Jewels is the collection of jewels owned by the British state, and sometimes worn by the monarch.
There is also a museum of armour in the Tower.
In the Tower of London you can see the so-called Beefeaters or Yeoman Warders who guard the fortress and give guided tours of it.
One of the Yeoman Warders is known as the Ravenmaster, responsible for the ravens that have been living here for centuries.
here[ʹхи(э)ри] in[ин] our[ʹауэ] town[таун]. here[ʹхи(э)ри], here[хиэ] in[ин] our[ʹауэ] town[таун], that%27s[зэтс] the[зэ] place[плэйс] where[вэа] i[ай] want[вонт] to[ту: ] be[би: ]. here[ʹхи(э)ри] in[ин] our[ʹауэ] town[таун], here[хиэ] in[ин] our[ʹауэ] town[таун], here[хиэ] in[ин] our[ʹауэ] town[таун]! because[биʹкоз] there%27s a[э,(эй)] great[грэйт] big[биг] church[чё: ч] with[виз] a[э,(эй)] marvellous['ма: в(э)лэс] clock[клок], and[энд] a[э,(эй)] bell[бэл] that[зэт] rings[мн.ч.] when[вэн] its[итс] twelve[твэлв] o%27clock[эʹклок]. here[ʹхи(э)ри] in[ин] our[ʹауэ] town[таун], there%27s beautiful[ʹбью: тиф(э)л] station[ʹстэйш(э)н] with[виз] electric[иʹлэктрик] trains[мн.ч.]. here[ʹхи(э)ри] in[ин] our[ʹауэ] town[таун], there%27s a[э,(эй)] nice[найс] bus[бас] shelter[ʹшэлтэ] for[фо: ] when[вэн] it[ит] rains[мн.ч.].