Есть только четыре человека, в моих ближайших родственников, но и более двадцати в моей большой семье.
Моя пожилая бабушка живет в маленьком старом доме.
Мои отношения, которые пришли на семейный праздник натянутой трех поколений!
Некоторые родственники нашего недавнего дал нам фото альбом, полный фотографий наших предков.
Ядерная семья состоит из отца, матери и детей, в то время как одна семья родителя состоит из одного родителя и детей
One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and said that he wanted to know what he thought of his pictures and asked the painter if he liked them and he wanted to know if he was a good painter or not.
The painter looked at the king's pictures and said that he thought king's pictures were bad and that the king would never be a good painter.
The king said that he was very angry with the painter because he had not liked his pictures, but later he had forgotten about that. Then he added that the painter was a free man again and that he was his friend.
After the dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter and asked how he liked his pictures at that time.
He turned to the soldier who was standing near him and asked the soldier to take him back to prison.
1. Linda asked Steve if he would like a cup of tea or coffee.
2. Ann said to me that I had to leave that terrible house that day.
3. Tom said to us that the book was worth reading and it had proved to be full of ancient wisdom.
4. Angela said that she was too tired that day and offered to book the tickets the following day.
5. Martin said that they had had a wonderful party the day before.
6. The girl said that she was sorry and added that it was late.
7. My elder sister asked to help her to set the table.
Есть только четыре человека в мои ближайшие родственники, но больше, чем на двадцать в моей большой семьи.
Моя престарелая бабушка живет в маленьком старом домике.
Мои отношения, которые пришли на праздник семьи длилась три поколения!
Некоторые наших родственников, недавно дал нам фотографию альбом, полный фотографий наших предков.
Ядерная семья состоит из отца, матери и детей, в то время как неполная семья состоит из одного родителя и детей.