46 Riverview Park
Dublin 23
15th February, 2008
Dear jim,
I have not seen you for ages so I decided to write and give you all the news from Glentown.
The football team is doing really well this season. We have reached the semi- final of the Cup. The new goalkeeper we got after you left is great. He has not let in a goal in the last three matches.
My sister, Sandra, Has just had a baby girl, so I am now an uncle. Maybe I will be able to make some money from baby- sitting and then I can come down on the train to visit you.
Write soon and let me know all the news.
Your friend,свое имя
добавь что то еще не хватило фантазии
A friend in need is a friend indeed - друзья познаются в беде
Old friends and old vine are the best - Нет ничего лучше старых друзей и старого вина
False friends are worse than open enemies - Фальшивые друзья хуже чем явные враги
A friend should bear his friend's infirmities - Человек должен относиться терпимо к недостаткам своего друга.
The only way to have a friend is to be one - Единственный иметь друга - научиться самому быть другом.
It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend - Легче простить врага, чем друга.
A friend is never known till needed - Друга не узнаешь, пока не понадобится его