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19.05.2020 21:35 •  Английский язык

Нужен пересказ текста на ! предложений 15 где-то.. заранее) so, you are students of south-russia state technical university. our congratulations! you passed your entrance examinations successfully and entered one of the best and biggest universities of our country. the academic year consists of two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. in january and june the students have their examinations. teaching is by lectures, seminars and practical laboratory classes. lectures are aimed at giving the basic framework of knowledge. seminars give the opportunity for group discussion of a topic with a member of academic staff. laboratory classes in all faculties provide the opportunity to gain essential practical skills and are specifically organised so that students learn by their own practical experiments. the students study hard and have no free time on week days. they study many different subjects such as higher mathematics, chemistry, physics, descriptive geometry, strength of materials, informatics, foreign languages, economics, history and many others. highly-qualified lecturers and professors help students in their studies. well- equipped laboratories and workshops are at their disposal. specialisation in senior courses enables undergraduates to follow, their own interests in a subject, for example into pure research as a career or into contemporary applications with the aim of a career in industry. the rapid expansion in information- technology is reflected strongly in the teaching and research programmes of the university. most students use computers as an essential part of their courses. there is a multitude of student activities at the university: sports clubs, arts societies, student societies etc. numerous student concerts, dance performances, exhibitions, drama productions are held each year. undergraduates play various instruments, take part in festivals, dramatic shows and dancing parties. a lot of students of our university take part in social life of the university. there are different sports clubs at our university, such as track-and-field athletics, gymnastics, basketball, volley-ball, football, wrestling, boxing and others. most of the students go in for sport. they can do sports in sporting facilities - various gymnasiums, sports grounds and a swimming pool. srstu is recognised as one of the most successful universities in the south of our country in sporting competitions. there are european and world champions among the students of our university.

So, you are students of South-Russia State
Technical University. The academic year consists of two terms:
the autumn term and the spring term.  January and June the students have their
examinations. The students study hard and have no free
time on week days. The rapid expansion in information-
technology is reflected strongly in the
teaching and research programmes of the
University. Most students use computers as
an essential part of their courses. A lot of students of our University take part
in social life of the University.
There are different sports clubs at our
University, such as track-and-field athletics,
gymnastics, basketball, volley-ball, football,
wrestling, boxing and others. There are
European and world champions among the
students of our University.
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We live in a four-room flat. My favourite place in the flat is my room. My room is not very big. My room is a bedroom and a study at the same time. But it is a very nice, comfortable and cozy. There isn't much furniture in it, only the things that I need most of all. The furniture is built-in. So it doesn’t take much space. 
There is a small window in my room but it faces the park, so the view is really wonderful! 
The walls of my room are papered in a white colour and the white and green curtains on the window match the wallpaper perfectly. 
Besides, there are a lot of flowers in my room. I love taking care of the flowers and water them regularly. 
On the right there is my bed and a built-in wardrobe. In the right corner there is a comfortable arm-chair. There is a standard lamp near it. I love reading in this comfortable arm-chair. 
In the left corner of the room there is my desk. There are shelves above the desk. I keep my books, text-books, note-books, CD’s, DVD’s there. As for pens, pencils and other necessary things, I keep them in table drawers. On the table there is a computer, a printer and a scanner.There is a small light brown carpet on the floor. 
There are some posters with my favourite singers on the walls and on the door. I change the posters in my room from time to time. 
I like my room very much. My room is a nice place for both rest and work. My friends love coming to my place and I invite them into my room. We like spending time there.
4,4(34 оценок)
1) дети учатся в школе в америке всего 13 лет (с 5 до 18 лет). школа в амекрике подразделяется на 3 разные школы: начальная школа (elementary school): с 0 по 4 класс (5 лет) средняя школа (middle school): с 5 по 8 класс (4 года) старшие классы (high school): с 9 по 12 классы (4 года). 2)в россии можно учиться 9 или 11 классов , есть ли что-то подобное в сша? да, есть нечто подобное. после 8, 9, 10 или 11 класса подросток может пойти учиться в техническую школу, где одновременно с общим образованием может получить какую-либо полезную специальность, например: инженер, электро механик, воспитатель в дошкольном учреждении, дизайнер ландшафта, специалист по телекоммуникациям, специалист по маркетингу, и другие. 3)какие есть предметы в американских школах, которые не в россии? допустим чей-то сын учится в 10 классе. вот какие предметы он будет проходить в этом году (5 обязательных и один на выбор). обязательные предметы в 10 классе: 1. (как родной язык) 2. 3. 4. испанский (как иностранный язык) 5. изучение америки (american studies).это у них вместо ( древнего мира и других государств была в средней школе). ну вот и все что мне было известно об этом!
4,6(92 оценок)
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