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13.06.2022 07:34 •  Английский язык

перевести в косвенную речь(Reported speech) A. One evening the Bat said, "There is a baby in the cave, He is new and pink and fat and small, and the woman is very fond of him. The Cat said, "What is the baby fond of?" The Bat said, "He is fond of things that are soft and warm." The Cat said, "Then my timc has come." B. The Stranger-man thought, "This is a vay, very wonderful child. She waves her arms and she shous at me but I don't understand a word of what she sas But if I don't do what she wants I fear that her father will be angry. C. They said, "Where did you leam that trick and what have you done to your nose?""I got a new one from the Crocodile on the banks of the Limpopo River," said the Elephant's Child. "I asked him what he had for dinner, and he gave me this to keep.". "It looks very ugly," said his uncle, the Baboon. "It does," said the Elephant's Child. "But it's very useful." D. The Woman said to the Dog, "Help my Man to hunt through the day and guard this cave at night, and I will give you as many roast bones as you need." The Man asked his wife, "What is Wild Dog doing here?" The woman said, "His name is not Wild Dog any more, but the First Friend because he will be our friend al- ways. Take him with you when you go hunting." nt tina E. The Cat said, "You are very wise and beautiful. You should not be cruel even to a Cat." The Woman said, "I knew I was wise but I didn't know I was beau- tiful. So I will make a bargain with you. If ever I say one word in your praise, you may come into the cave."


Однажды вечером Летучая Мышь сказала: "В пещере есть ребенок, Он новый, розовый, толстый и маленький, и женщина очень любит его. Кошка сказала: "Что любит ребенок?" - Он любит все мягкое и теплое." -Значит, пришел мой тимк, - сказал Кот. Незнакомец подумал: "Это вай, очень замечательный ребенок. Она машет руками и кричит на меня, но я не понимаю ни слова из того, что она говорит, Но если я не сделаю то, что она хочет, я боюсь, что ее отец рассердится. -Я спросил его, что он ел на обед, и он дал мне это на хранение. -Так и есть,- сказал Слоненок. Женщина сказала Собаке:" моему Человеку охотиться днем и охранять эту пещеру ночью, и я дам тебе столько жареных костей, сколько тебе нужно." Мужчина спросил жену: "Что здесь делает Дикая Собака?" - Его зовут уже не Дикий Пес, а Первый Друг, потому что он всегда будет нашим другом. Возьми его с собой, когда пойдешь на охоту". -Ты очень мудрая и красивая. Ты не должен быть жесток даже с Кошкой, - сказала Женщина. - Я знала, что я мудра, но не знала, что я красива. Поэтому я заключу с тобой сделку. Если я когда-нибудь произнесу хоть одно слово в твою честь, ты можешь войти в пещеру."

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. Many people think that the famous Big Ben is the name of the whole tower, but it's just the name of the bell inside the tower. The very same building is called the St. Stephen's Tower. 2. Detective of the English writer Agatha Christie "Ten Little Indians" came out in the US under the title "And there was no one". This was done because of political correctness, and in the very same countenance, the Negroes were replaced by small Indians. 3. During the colonial occupation of India, the British decided to reduce the large number of cobras in the country. To this end, the British announced a reward to the local population for each killed cobra. The Hindus were delighted with easy gain by beginning to kill cobras and getting money, but an interesting fact is that the Indians started breeding these dangerous snakes in order to have a steady income. But the British abolished this reward and the Indians released the snakes to freedom. Thus, the number of cobras not only did not decrease, but also increased. 4. In England, in many houses there are two separate cranes - one for hot water and one for cold water. 5. The favorite resting place for the English is the pubs. There they relax, drink beer, etc. And no one ever bothers that the pub is packed to capacity, all the same everyone goes there and is having fun. 6. It's not a secret that the English are very fond of tea and drink a lot, but it's not so easy to find good large-leaf tea in England. Most people drink it packaged. 7. In spite of the fact that in English there is the word "pupil", which means "pupil", this word is practically not used. To denote all students (both schoolchildren and students) the general word "Student" is used. 8. Children go to school as early as 5 years, and not with 7 as we do. 9. In England you will not find homeless animals. They are well cared for there, and the animal protection society even has the status of "Royal". Although sometimes you can meet real foxes who are digging in garbage dumps and even climb into houses. But foxes are not domesticated animals, but rather objects of hunting. Yes, the traditional type of hunting is still popular - Hunting for foxes. 10. In England there is a tax on television. Those. if you want to watch TV at home, you have to pay (about 10 pounds a month). All the money goes to the BBC. 11. If the Russians are popular holiday in Turkey and in Egypt, the British prefer to choose to relax in Spain (most). 12. The first public-public zoo in the world was opened in England in 1829. 13. In England, there is almost no snow in the winter, and if it does, then it is considered something incredible and immediately hampered by the whole movement. 14. There is no constitution in the UK. 15. In 1952, the readers of Time magazine called the English queen the man of the year. 16. The hats of the English guardsmen are made of the fur of the Grizzly bear, and the caps of officers are made from the furs of males (they are more spectacular), and the caps of the rank and file are made of fur of females. Weigh such headgear about 3 kg.
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Спорт дүкенінде.
- Көмек, сізге көмектесе аласың ба?
- Сәлеметсіз бе, иә, егер мүмкін болса.
- Сізді не қызықтырады?
- Спортқа жайлы кроссовкалар сатып алғым келеді, бірақ қайсысының жақсы екенін білмеймін ...
«Мен сізге Nike-ның керемет кроссовкалар туралы кеңес бергім келеді.» Олар спортпен айналысуға өте ыңғайлы және керемет!
- Олар туралы көбірек айтып бере аласыз ба?
- Иә, әрине. Кроссовки Nike фирмалары спорттық аяқ киім өндірісінде жетекші орын алады. Бізде қысқы және жазғы нұсқалары бар. Компанияның кроссовкалары олардың жеңілдігімен және күшімен ерекшеленеді. Nike аяқ киім бірнеше маусымға жетеді. Сондай-ақ, Nike компаниясының аяқ киімінде үздік дизайнерлер жұмыс істейді. Сондықтан олар тек ыңғайлы және практикалық ғана емес, сондай-ақ әдемі. Сондай-ақ кең ауқымда балалар мен ересектерге арналған кроссовкалар. Мен бұл кроссовкаларды өзім сатып аламын, сондықтан кеңес беремін!
- Уа! Олардың барлық артықшылықтарына қарағанда, олар өте қымбат.
- Жоқ, олардың сапалық деңгейі үшін олар өте аз!
- Мен оларды аламын! Сізге үлкен рақмет! Қазір мен осы компанияны тек кроссовкаларды сатып аламын!
- Әрдайым көмектесуге дайынмын!
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